About Me

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Well. About me. Kinda hard. For after all 'tis very hard to judge your own self. So you want a description of me? I am a super awesome, good looking, smartass musical prodigy with a knack for writing. Well that wasn't very truthful was it (kinda obvious)? As I said, it's difficult. After a lot of scrutiny I can say this: I am a normal guy. Studying in High School. With a normal life (though a tad awesome). I am blogging because I feel like it. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I am a mediocre guitarist.

Thursday, 2 February 2012


So it's that time of the year again. The dreaded annual exams. Or as CBSE likes to call it: Summative Assessment 2. Two words: "God Help us!" Wait...that was three. I should have thought this out.

You are under arrest for cracking a lame joke.

So today we got our finalized syllabus for Computer. Before I tell you the harsh reality; here's our tentative syllabus (given at the beginning of the year) :

Summative Assessment II:
  • OpenOffice.org Calc - ii
  • Societal Impacts of IT

Total Chapters: 2.

Now here's our new syllabus:

Summative Assessment II:
Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Total Chapters: 15!!!

Oh. My. Freaking. God.

Reaction of the average student. (Toppers are an exception)

So that means I'll have to put 7.5 times more effort. So...if I was studying 2 hours per day, does that mean I'll have to study 15 now!!? I have not the faintest idea.

Jesus Flipping Christ save my soul.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not going to operate this blog for a month due to the aforementioned nightmare. So till then you can enjoy my pet robot Blitzkrieg.

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          OO  OO      OO  OO


  1. Smart work often gives better results than hard work does. Cheers.

  2. Umm don't mean to sound finicky but I think you got the syllabus a teeny bit wrong. I rather thought it was 5 - 20 (excluding Chapt. 7). Just thought I'd...well...inform you i suppose, who knows, I may be wrong (maybe)
