It all started with the wikipedia blackout.
Meh. |
I had a project to submit the next day damnit! Now where will I find material to copy-paste from?
"Try using the library." "The what?" |
I had to find a way around.
Unleash the hounds! |
I started snooping around the dark and unknown corners of the internet (read: searched on google) for a way to bypass the blackout. All I got where articles on SOPA and PIPA.
What is that now?
Politician's idea
Act) and
Act) are two acts in the stage of being passed in the US Senate. They are stupid ideas by people who never used the internet. Of course it's the brainchild of media giants like WMG and Disney.
It basically gives the media companies the right to shut down websites supposedly infringing copyrights without any notice. Now do I really need to tell you how exactly that's a stupid idea? It's basically a internet censor like the one China has.
They are watching. |
Well if you are interested (which I know you are not, but still) here's wikipedia explaining it in detail to you:
Wikipedia: SOPA.
And after hours of research, I found in a tiny little footnote in some obscure site, a solution to the dilemma. FINALLY! And the screwed up complicated solution is: press Esc. Press
Well you can understand how I reacted. I went complete apeshit.